Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Domain Name... Finally!

Well, I finally got the domain name updated. Who knows what took me so long. I guess I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to use for a domain name. Then it finally hit me - I like to draw! So why not I checked, and it was available - so there you have it. That's the story of my domain name. Fascinating, isn't it?

Nonetheless, here are some pics that have never been posted to the blog. Enjoy!
I painted this part of the wall w/ chalkboard paint and then decorated it as you see here.

This is Lacey and Bethany. They are friends.

These are my adorable nieces.

This was a great retirement gift for Larry. I wish I had his picture; this looks JUST like him!

These are my handsome nephews.

This a digital caricature of my brother Andy.

This is a very quick and rough sketch of David Letterman.


Author & Editor

Jon Watkins has been drawing, painting, and generally making a mess since the early 70's.

Send Jon an email or text/call 937.622.8918


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