Thursday, March 1, 2012

I'm famous! ...almost :)

One highlight of my caricature career has been getting a picture of me drawing a caricature at the Applefest in Sidney, Ohio on the front page of the Sidney Daily News. Now for you that don't know, I think that covers most of Shelby County, Ohio. Yeah, I know... nearly 50k in the whole county. :) Hey, nonetheless, I got so much business that weekend!! I drew so many caricatures that all my markers ran out of ink and I ran out of paper. It was pretty awesome, actually.

That was in 2009 - September 12th, to be exact. That's my lil claim to fame - yeah, I know there are better ones than this, but I'm just a local yokel who loves to draw caricatures!


Author & Editor

Jon Watkins has been drawing, painting, and generally making a mess since the early 70's.

Send Jon an email or text/call 937.622.8918


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